‘Stop Talking, Start Doing’: Conservative Volunteers Clean Over 50 Tons of Garbage in Los Angeles, Media Ignores By Lindsay Elizabeth for Faith Wire
Conservative activist Scott Presler spent the weekend organizing 200 volunteers in Los Angeles to clean up the heavily littered city, picking up over 50 tons of trash from one homeless camp alone.
According to Presler, his volunteers moved at a fast pace, removing five tons of waste each hour, all without government assistance.
“Without the help of the city, 200 volunteers picked up 50 tons of trash in 9 hours at a homeless camp in Los Angeles,” Presler said, according to The Daily Wire.
On Saturday morning, Presler tweeted out a video of the waste removal process, showing the work that was already being completed at 9 am.
“It’s almost 9 a.m. & we’re removing waste from a homeless camp in Los Angeles. Why is an outsider from Northern Virginia here & not California elected leadership?” Presler wrote on twitter adding the hashtag, “#LosAngelesCleanup.”
Presler first mobilized a city cleanup back in August, organizing volunteers to help clean the city of Baltimore. Following that, he did the same in Newark, New Jersey.
Yet his efforts have gone widely unpublicized by the American mainstream media.
The Daily Wire pointed out that back in June, the LA Times begged for help cleaning up the city in an article titled: “A plan to clean up L.A. and help the homeless? Get it done already.”
“Don’t postpone the decision. Don’t call for another study. This is an emergency,” the LA Times editorial board urged.
“Finally, Los Angeles city officials are recognizing the urgent need to clean up the trash near homeless encampments. Both the trash that homeless people have nowhere to put and the garbage illegally dumped by businesses are a blight and health hazard for everyone in the city. Too bad our elected representatives had to be shamed into performing one of local government’s most basic duties,” the piece said.